
Juri Skuratov -  Prof. Dr. iur.

  • General-public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation from 1995 to 1999
  • Member of the Russian Academy of natural Sciences
  • Member of the Russian Academy of Informatization
  • Member of the International Academy of Ecology and Life Protection Sciences
  • Dean of the constitutional and international law department of the Russian State Social University
  • Chairman of the national Council of the self-regulating organizations of arbitration courts
  • Honorary Professor at the State Academy of law of the Urals
  • Honorary Professor at the State University Of Buryatia
  • Honorary Professor at the State University of Chelyabinsk

  • 1973 graduated from the Legal Academy in Jekaterinburg
  • 1977 - PhD candidates of Sciences
  • 1987 - Habilitation thesis for doctor of Sciences
  • 1995 – appointed as General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation
  • Today, President of the Foundation for promotion of the legal technologies XXI. Century

Languages: Russian, German

Roman Djavakhian – lawyer, candidate of law

  • 1992 graduated from the state University of Rostov-on-Don, specialty - jurisprudence
  • 2011 - completion of the Promotion at the Russian State Social Universiy Moscow
  • 2013 - Dissertation for obtaining the academic degree of candidate of law at the Academy for national economy and civil service of the Russian Federation

Focus  in civil court and arbitrage, especially in business and economic Affairs.
Languages: Russian

KARL A. ECKSTEIN - is a professor, attorney at law and notary


In 1969 he graduated from the University of Teacher Education (PHSG), St.Gallen, Switzerland getting a certificate of elementary school teacher. From 1971 to 1975 was studying in the department of law in the University of Basel.

Since 1969 (to 1971) he was teaching in Dicken elementary school in St.Gallen. Then in 1975 he took a certificate of a Candidate of Juridical Sciences graduation out in the University of Basel, where he defended in 1979 a thesis for a Doctor's degree and got a certification of a Doctor of Juridical Science..

A qualification of an attorney at law was given to Karl Ecksteinby the Superior Court of Basel in 1980.

Since 1995 to 2012 he has been a lecturer of the MGIMO University (Moscow) of constitutional and administraive law. In 2001 by decision of the Attestation Commission he took a certificate of a professor.

2007-2015 Substitute Judge in the Cantonal Court of St. Gallen, Switzerland.

2007-2018 Honorary Consul of the Russian Federation in Switzerland.

Since 2022 management of an own company in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, for market
entry consulting for foreign companies, in particular legal consulting, accounting
management, personnel consulting and fiduciary services (see www.e-p.group).

Languages: Russian, German, English.