Uzbekistan – a new market with great growth potential Uzbekistan refers to the Asian states with arguably maximum development potential. It is inhabited with industrious, laborious people committed to order.
There are enough arguments for companies to invest, produce and establish sales organizations in Uzbekistan:
With an average salary of approx. 200 Euro per month the level of salary is comparable with that in Bangladesh though the level of education and work ethics is arguably higher in Uzbekistan.
Uzbekistan is located in the centre of markets with promising economic outlook for the future.
EBRD also observes good potential for development and investments and invested in 2001 607 mln Euro in the projects in this country.
Those who are expecting economic stagnation or even significant decline in the Western Europe because of the debts, expansion of the unsecured money supply, danger of inflation, impoverishment of consumers, etc. should undoubtedly start looking already now for the new markets, even those which have not been until now the focus of attention of the markets with potential.